Uninterruptable Broadband Service

Keeping Mission-critical internet up and running

Communication is key

Modern businesses rely more and more on a stable internet connection in order to provide voice and data services to communicate with customers and suppliers. When the internet fails for any reason, your business simply grinds to a halt.

Unfortunately, these internet outages are becoming more frequent. The more high profile network outages even make the news as the effects are wide reaching. There are many articles online, including one here that illustrates the growing problem.

We have been working hard at Criterion Systems to provide reliable internet and effective backup solutions in order to keep your business running in the event of your existing internet connection developing a fault.

Uninterruptable Broadband Service

We are here to help

Keeping the internet on

Tried and tested solutions

An existing connection

Fibre / DSL / SoGEA / Leased Line from your existing provider, or we can supply one

Cisco Firewall

Next-generation robust firewalls that exceed modern security requirements

Starlink Dish and Router

Connected to the Starlink global satellite network for uninterrupted coverage.

UPS power supply

Keeping the electrical supply running to your equipment for a period of time

Our Technical knowledge

Expert programming to ensure a seamless automatic transfer of internet signal

What is the cost of no business?

Here’s a simplified example…

Let’s say you run an office with 10 staff on £15/hour and 2 supervisors on £20/hour. Your staffing cost is £190/hour, a total of just over £1,500 per working day. An external building contractor across the road accidentally cuts through the fibre cable running into your office building with their digging equipment and it takes Openreach engineers 3 days to book in, visit and remedy the break in the line.

During this time you have had no internet access to perform your normal business and perhaps only limited mobile phone coverage to deal with customer enquiries. That’s a loss of £4,500. Worse still, those customers who were unable to get in touch with you may now have moved their business to your competitors

Let us help you stay connected

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