Horizon Contact for Support Desks

Challenges and Benefits

As a Customer:

  • I want my call handled by the most appropriate member of staff the first time I call in (Skills Based Routing)
  • If I do have to call again, I want my call to go to the person I spoke to last (Last Agent Routing)
  • I want the person I am speaking with to know my interaction history (Inbuilt CRM)
  • I want to know how quickly my call will be answered (Position in queue / Queue wait time)
  • I want to get support in a way that is convenient to me (Omnichannel)

As a Support Desk Manager

  • I want to be able to monitor and coach my new starters (Supervisor Call Whisper)
  • I want feedback on the service that has been given to my customers (CSAT Survey)
  • I want to know why people are calling in (Call Classification)
  • I want a way to prompt my team on what questions to ask (Scripts)
  • I want to measure omnichannel queue stats to make sure we are hitting SLAs (Wallboards / Reports / Supervisor Portal)
  • If we miss a call, I want a text to be sent apologising along with explaining that we’ll call them back (call flow SMS)
Horizon Contact for Support Desks

Key Features:

  • Last Agent Routing
  • Skills Based Routing
  • Call Back Slots
  • Agent Scripts
  • Call Classifications
  • Inbuilt CRM
  • Webchat
  • Email

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