Horizon Contact for Manufacturing

Challenges and Benefits

As a Customer:

  • My main method of communication with businesses is via email (Email)
  • I spend a lot of money with this company each month and therefore expect to have my calls handled as a priority (VIP Routing)
  • If call queue times are long, I’d like to request a call back but retain my position in queue (Call Back)
  • My calls are handled by a Customer Service Team but I expect to be able to speak with the last agent I spoke with so I am not repeating myself (Last Agent Routing)

As a Receptionist/Sales/
Customer Support Team Member:

  • We have a generic email inbox but would like to prioritise certain emails based on criteria such as sender and/or trigger words and then route to a suitable member of staff (Email/Skills-Based Routing)
  • We would like to offer a all back option to customers but only under certain conditions (such based on a position in queue or average answer time). We would like to decide when these call backs are made (Call Back Slots)
  • We need visibility and insights of the outcome of interactions we have with our customers (Call Classifications)
Horizon Contact for Manufacturing

Key Features:

  • Email
  • Browser Based
  • VIP Routing – Priority customers
  • Call Classifications
  • Last Agent routing
  • Scheduled Call back
  • Call Back

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