Horizon Contact for Legal and Financial

Challenges and Benefits

As a Client:

  • I want to speak with someone with the right knowledge and expertise (Skills Based Routing
  • I want a range of different options to communicate with my provider/practice (Omnichannel)
  • I want to avoid repeating my case details, to keep costs down (Last Agent Routing)
  • I want a reminder of my appointments (SMS)
  • I don’t want to be held in a queue (Call Back)

As a firm/practice:

  • We need to be able to record calls in line with regulatory requirements (Call Recording)
  • We want to report on staff performance, talk time and lost calls for accurate billing (Live and Historical Reporting)
  • We need to see how quickly clients calls have been answered and ultimately handled (Live wallboards)
  • We need to have centralised access to all customer interactions that all the team can use (CRM)
  • We need to be able to handle sudden increase in call volumes (Cloud based and scalable)
  • We need to prioritise VIP clients (VIP Routing)
  • We want to easily update our update our clients on new services or promotions (Campaign Dialler)
Horizon Contact for Legal

Key Features:

  • Omnichannel
  • Browser Based
  • SMS
  • CRM
  • Reporting
  • VIP Routing – Priority customers
  • Last Agent Routing
  • Skills Based Routing
  • Scheduled Call back
  • Call Back
  • Campaign Dialler

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