Horizon Contact for Automotive

Challenges and Benefits

As a Customer:

  • I want a reminder call to book in my service (Scheduled Call Back)
  • I want to speak to my local garage in a way that is convenient to me (Omnichannel)
  • I want my local garage to know my interaction history with them (inbuilt CRM)
  • I want to receive a text when my car is ready to collect, or my MOT is due (SMS)

As an Automotive Dealership:

  • I want to know why people are calling in and be able to report on those reasons (Call classification)
  • I want to give my highest spending customer the VIP treatment and bump the queues (VIP routing)
  • If the business misses a call, I want a way to know and call them back (Dynamic Auto Call Back)
  • I want to be able to set up automated reminders about services (Scheduled Call Back)
  • I want to be able to report on the days activity and potential missed calls (Inbuilt Reporting)
Horizon Contact for the Automotive Industry

Key Features:

  • Auto Callback
  • Scheduled Call Back
  • VIP Routing
  • Campaign Dialler
  • Call Classifications
  • Webchat
  • Email
  • CRM
  • SMS

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