Horizon Contact for Retail

Challenges and Benefits

As a Customer:

  • When browsing a website, I want to be able to chat to someone to ask questions (Webchat)
  • I don’t want to wait in a call queue (Callback / Callback slots)
  • I want a confirmation email/SMS of my discussion / order (Dynamic outbound email/ SMS) 

As a Retail Business Owner:

  • I never want to miss a call (Automatic Callback)
  • I want feedback on the service that has been given to my customers (CSAT Survey)
  • I want to give the customer that spend the most with me, VIP treatment (Queue priority)
  • If I receive an urgent email, I want to route it to the correct person ASAP (Email subject, body and @domain interrogation)
  • I want my team to work directly from our CRM (Native CRM integration into Salesforce, MS Dynamics & Zendesk)
  • I want to know what days and times I should be open to accommodate my customers needs (Inbuilt reporting)
  • I want to text a link to my customers to review us online (ad-hoc SMS)
Horizon Contact for Retail

Key Features:

  • Skills Based Routing
  • VIP Routing
  • Webchat
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Campaign Dialler
  • Surveys
  • Call Recording
  • Auto Callback

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