Horizon Contact for Healthcare

Challenges and Benefits

As a Patient:

  • If there is a queue, I don’t want to wait in it, I’d like someone to call me back (Call Back)
  • I want to know if all the appointments are booked before I wait in a long queue (Queue check options)
  • I want to speak to my healthcare provider in a way that is convenient to me (Omnichannel)
  • I want to receive a text message reminder of my appointment (SMS)

As a healthcare provider:

  • I want a way we can handle the spike in call traffic on a Monday morning (Call Back)
  • I want to have a pre-recorded message to let patients know that all the appointments have been booked so our receptionists to alleviate queue wait times (Queue check options)
  • I want to remind all my eligible patients about the flu jab  (Campaign Dialler)
  • I want to know how many calls are waiting in the queue (Wallboards)
Horizon Contact for Healthcare

Key Features:

  • Call Back
  • VIP Routing
  • Surveys
  • Campaign Dialler
  • Wallboards
  • SMS
  • Call Recording

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