Horizon Contact

Contact Centre Features at a Glance

Features at a glance

Due to the nature and urgency of the work that takes place within charities, a reliable telephone system is of paramount importance. Helplines need to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – should a crisis occur, there must be a continuity plan in place.

Charities deal with many sensitive subjects, therefore privacy is a big issue when it comes to technology. The phone system must ensure that any information held is confidential and secure. Many charities have shops and help points spread over a wide area which can be challenging to administrate. They need to provide a reliable, efficient service which is capable of providing help to those who need it, and also deal with calls from people wishing to make donations.

An issue for many charities is the high number of employees spread across different locations. the phone system must allow people to get through wherever they are, and to the correct person and location. While the telephony system is a crucial aspect especially for charity helplines, a reliable service is needed within a limited budget. Unfortunately high quality telephony features often come with a high price tag.


  • Easy to use admin portal
  • Drag and drop call flow
  • Custom roles and privileges
  • Pre-built changes “toggle” routing


  • Inbuilt native CRM
  • Iframe – Zendesk / Salesforce / Dynamics
  • Build your own – Callflow API


  • Voice
  • Email
  • Webchat
  • SMS (Outbound)
  • Graphic Management


  • Realtime Wallboards
  • Supervisor Panel – Live Data
  • Historical Reports
  • Data API

Customer Experience

  • Callback in queue
  • Last agent routing
  • VIP routing
  • Skills based routing
  • Agent recording tags
  • Survey / NPS

Agent Experience

  • Customisable Breaks
  • Wrap timer
  • Agent Data


  • Outbound SMS trigger
  • Intelligent responses (Email & Chat)


  • Classifications
  • Scripting
  • Progressive Dialler

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