Horizon Contact for Engineering & Construction

Challenges and Benefits

As a Customer:

  • My main method of communication with businesses is via email, therefore I’d like my email to be handled by an member of staff, with the necessary skills-sets to service my request efficiently (Email)
  • I have been a customer for many years and expect to have my calls handled as a priority (VIP Routing)
  • My calls are handled by a Customer Service Team but I expect to be able to speak with the last agent I spoke with so I am not repeating myself (Last Agent Routing)

As a Receptionist/
Customer Service Team Manager:

  • We have a generic email inbox but would like to prioritise certain emails based on criteria such as sender and/or trigger words within the email body text, and then route to a suitable Agent (Email/Skills-Based Routing)
  • Our Team work remotely but we still need to ensure continuity of service and that staff performance can be measured (Browser Based)
  • We need to record our calls for dispute resolution purposes and ensure that these recordings are accessible by only personnel with the appropriate access permissions (Call Recording)
Horizon Contact for Engineering Construction

Key Features:

  • VIP Routing
  • Skills-Based Routing
  • Email
  • Browser Based
  • Call recording
  • Last Agent Routing

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