Horizon Contact for Transport

Challenges and Benefits

As a Customer:

  • I want to speak with someone who has the appropriate skills to handle my query efficiently and provide me with the information I require (Skills Based Routing)
  • I am a loyal customer and expect my calls to be handled as such (VIP Routing)
  • I would like to receive a text message to confirm my delivery slot (SMS)
  • If my call is not answered and I hang-up, I would like to receive a call back once as soon as someone becomes available (Auto Call Back and/or Unreturned Lost Calls reporting

As a Customer Support/
Sales Team Manager

  • We would like to be able to gauge the amount of calls we receive in relation to a certain customer request so we can continually look to improve our CX (Call Classifications)
  • As a sales person, I am concerned that a missed call may result in a lost business opportunity (Auto Call Back/Unreturned Lost Calls reporting)
  • We would like to obtain feedback from our customers in relation to the experiences the receive from our agents, to assist us in further improving our customer service (Surveys)
  • We want to be able to change our entrance message at the click on a button, during adverse weather conditions (Service Number check option)
Horizon Contact for Transport

Key Features:

  • Skills Based Routing
  • VIP Routing
  • Email
  • Call Classifications
  • Surveys
  • Unreturned Lost Calls
  • Auto Call Back – Abandoned Calls
  • SMS

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