Horizon Contact for Housing

Challenges and Benefits

As a Tenant:

  • I’m a vulnerable tenant and I want my call answered by a member of staff as quickly as possible (VIP Routing)
  • If call queue times are longer than expected, I want to be able to request a call back rather than hold (Call Back Slots)
  • I would like to interact with someone using my channel of choice, not just over the phone (Omnichannel)
  • I would like to speak to the person I last spoke to when I call back in (last agent routing)

As a Housing Association Agent/Supervisor:

  • I want to decide what call back slots are offered to callers so ensure we can also cover both inbound and outbound calls (Call Back Slots)
  • I need to be able to turn on call recording and tag the recordings for review when dealing with difficult conversations (Call Recording)
  • When payments from tenants are taken over the phone, I need to be able  pause/resume call recording (Recording Pause/resume)
  • We use a third-party CRM but we would like to record customer interactions against the associated customer record (CRM integrations)
Horizon Contact for Housing

Key Features:

  • Call Back slots
  • VIP Routing
  • Omnichannel
  • Call Recording Tagging & Pause/Resume
  • CRM/Native Integrations

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